8-year-old boy collects 751 car toys, spending thousands of dollars

Apr 04 , 2024

8-year-old boy collects 751 car toys, spending thousands of dollars

According to a report by the British "Metropolitan Daily" on August 22, an 8-year-old boy dreams of becoming a professional football player, pilot, or F1 driver. His passion for cars led him to collect thousands of dollars in automotive toys.
The boy named Charlie Yates currently has a collection of 751 model cars, as well as a garage and track. His parents estimate that Charlie has spent thousands of dollars on toys over the years. Charlie doesn't like to show off his large collection of model cars, and he has donated about 300 of them to children in schools.
Charlie’s idols are Captain Sully and Lewis Hamilton (British Formula One racing driver), which is also related to his father. About ten years ago, Charlie's father, Darren, began to experience symptoms of arthritis, fibromyalgia, spinal disease and syringomyelia. The disease severely limited his mobility and forced him to quit his 26-year career as a police officer. , which also prevented him from accompanying his son Charlie in outdoor activities, so Darren bought a car model for his son and played with him. Darren said: "I can't play sports with Charlie, but I like to watch him play with cars. We will also go to the airport together, sit on the grass and watch the planes take off, and collect related toys together."
Mother Kat said: "Although our family has encountered many difficulties, we faced it together, and I think we did a pretty good job." (Compiled report by China Youth Network)

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